Thursday, 12 July 2012

(Club) Money, money, money ..... !

The saga of the leadership of the CIU has all but come to an end as Mick McGlasham decided, yesterday, that discretion was most definitely the better part of valour!
The ex General Secretary of the CIU had been set to take the Club & Institute Union to a tribunal over breach of contract and failing to pay wages but has now climbed down and accepted an 'undisclosed cash settlement.' (Which Simple Simon is led to believe equals the grand sum of £Zero! However, legal expenses [not an inconsiderable sum] have been covered). Now there's a thing! This writer had heard that such a thing was on the cards some time ago so it is no surprise that there are no winners, only losers in this sad affair.

Mick McGlasham, CIU National General Secretary
Mick McGlasham (62) retired

Both  he and his deputy, Maxine Murphy, were dismissed last December after an investigation into the misuse of a CIU credit card although there is no suggestion that either intended to profit from it. Despite an internal investigation finding no evidence against them and although an independent barrister had advised the CIU to reinstate them both following an appeal,  the CIU said they had “breached a fundamental implied term of their contracts” and stood by their decision. 
Yesterday became a full day of bargaining as a joint statement issued, after discussions (behind closed doors); the parties said: 

“There has been a legal dispute between Mr Mc- Glasham and the union. This relates to matters of serious concern. These matters were fully and properly investigated by the union at the time. Mr McGlasham accepts that he made errors of judgement." 

“The union and Mr McGlasham have decided not to continue to argue about this in front of a judge. They have reached this decision on the basis it is in everyone’s best interests (dirty washing is not always best aired in public!)
“Mr McGlasham resigns his position with immediate effect and will not seek re-election as general secretary.”(and it must be added that nor, I imagine, will the CIU ask him to!)
It amazes this writer that at the age of 62 and with few working years left before retirement that anyone in such a position of responsibility & the pleasure of £46,000 per annum could be so lax as to get in such a position where accusations are abound!
With clubs closing because of government legislation driving members away it is time for the new 'bossman' (actual title being Office Manager-not Gen Sec) to evaluate their situation and strive toward an amendment which would not discriminate against 25% of the population and considering that the WMC's were set up for the working classes it is disgraceful that the working classes are the biggest sufferers of this atrocious failure of a smoking ban.
OK, there are one or two 'area spokesmen' who think the smoking ban is "the greatest thing since sliced bread", but they only speak from personal distaste of all products tobacco, they do not speak for all the members. It must be remembered that a vote was finally passed at conference to lobby Government for an amendment to this disgraceful law and whoever now takes over the 'hot seat' at CIU HQ, they must be aware of all parties involved-and the lies & deceits that lay behind the implementation of the law that is killing businesses whilst smokers live merrily on!


  1. I suggest that instead of hiding by an alias you were to publish this dross in your real name!

  2. As I understand it they only paid the semi literate buffoon the sum which was outstanding from the start of his suspension. Given recent events I don't understand why they felt the need to do even this.

  3. This may be of interest
