Smoking bans KILL businesses - FACT
Not unexpectedly, especially after Smoke Free SW declared a complete lack of funding from their local councils due to austerity measures, they declared that they 'business' was to cease. Business I hear you ask? Yes, a business for they turned anti smoking into a complete business..... funded by you, me, & the family down the road as our taxes were used AGAINST all those who choose/chose to smoke. We had no say in it, it just happened as the most ridiculous law since the 'Clockmakers Tax' was invented (1790's). Had there have been an element of choice then it would have been a completely different story but the simple fact was that our government, responding to the desparate pleas from ASH, simply banned all forms of smoking indoors simply because, unlike the rest of europe, they just couldn't be bothered to thrash a modicum of a fair deal for all.
Through a campaign of lies & distortions, the despicable creature known as Deborah Arnott managed to convince our (mostly) idiot MPs that SHS was more dangerous than sarin gas - which really does make you wonder how so many people are still alive in this (or any other) country? Indeed, Ronald Bayer of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health stated, found that many of the common claims against smoking really have little evidence to back them up.
“I discovered the evidence was really weak. The evidence of harm to non-smokers on the beach or in a park from someone smoking is virtually non-existent. The evidence that fish and birds are dying because of cigarette butts is virtually non-existent. And even the evidence that seeing someone in a park or beach will encourage kids to smoke is extremely weak,” Bayer said.And there you have it folks, the simple truth that although under the guise of health it has nothing much to do with health. Now you may well think that I am some sort of madman saying that but have a simple look at the facts:
1... 'They' cannot name one person that has died courtesy of SHS
2... Cancer rates have increased not decreased
3... The percentage decrease in smoking rates has been minimal over the past 9 years
4... 80% of lung cancers occur in NON smokers
5... 'They' cannot prove that smoking bans have increased the longevity of one single life
The Smokefree Coalition is also willing to take much of the credit for the Government’s commitment to becoming a smokefree nation by 2025.

Alison Rutter-50% chance of cancer-amazing!
I said from the very start of this ridiculous sanction on 22% of the population that it will fail economically and it will, simply because we cannot afford to waste £1/2bn every single month on begging people to stop smoking. The likes of Arnott, Duffy, Bauld, Rutter et al (recently awarded some gong or other by the WHO) will all suffer a proscribed 50% chance of getting some form of cancer or other (just the same as the rest of us mere mortals) so it will be interesting to see which 2 of the 4 it will be. I will then send the lucky recipients a smokers award for all their years of lies, fabrications, manipulated statistics & junk science used in their years of suckling the publice teat.
The public stood for being divided once, they won't stand for it again. And anyway, as N Zealand have found out, once the money runs out they suddenly realise that there are far more important things in a country to worry about than people having a fag or three - and people will never give up their favoured tipple!